Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Having a dog is good for many things, but especially for reminding you that the simple things can be the most exciting. Take walking, for example. If the word "walk" is mentioned at all within earshot of Zoe the Greyhound, a spasm of excitement ensues: jumping, wriggling, little noises of joy. Then we walk outside, and Zoe's nose goes into action. Everything must be sniffed and inspected. These days, that often involves Zoe buried up to her eyes in snow as she seeks out a spectacular scent.

Zoe reminds me that even a walk through very familiar territory can be an adventure, since nothing is ever the same, not really. Subtle changes happen every day, whether it's fresh snow, new mud, new buds on one particular tree, or evidence of the passing of another creature. The world around us is constantly changing, and we have only to notice.

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